Commercial Construction & Residential Remodeling Storage

Serving storage needs in Chicago and its vast metropolitan area, Great Lakes’ on-site portable storage containers are the absolute premier, efficient, and affordable solution for commercial and residential construction sites.

Remodeling locations requires several attributes. Consider the need for portable on-site construction storage space. The portable storage container is easily accessible for safe storage of materials such as high-end tools and job site clean-up equipment. Durable warehouses and units provided by solid and portable storage solutions offer a simple solution for the maintenance of various elements required for construction remodeling—they are the way to go!

Commercial Construction Storage

All commercial construction companies need to use best practices for the protection of expensive equipment and inventory for operation. This makes our multiple-size variety of storage units ideal. With storage units, key additional space is readily available and present for the daily deliveries of small or large building materials   Our container sizes are practically unlimited, ranging from 10’, 20’, 40’, 45’, and 48′. Store your generator, compressor equipment or tools in a storage unit or portable storage container, which can serve as a temporary shelter for the maintenance of site safety for employees during climatic conditions.

Residential Renovation Storage

Illinois, Wisconsin and Indiana clients desiring a home remodeling have a cost- and time-efficient storage method while maintaining peace of mind with an on-site portable container home-delivered. We provide many solutions encompassing your renovation project. Are you replacing a home roof, building a sunroom, upgrading a kitchen, adding a new master bedroom or considering a home addition? Great Lakes’ quickspace storage containers are built to make construction all with these types of project sites more convenient, profitable and affordable. Remodeling a home by using on-site warehousing storage containers is the solution for storing items like furniture or other belongings during the job completion process. And that is in addition to more added space and the safety provided for material or equipment. If you have ever experienced flooding, fire or other structural or aesthetic damage to your home, you can be confident that goods and belongings will be safe in our clean and dry portable storage containers. Should you be thinking of marketing or selling your home, you will need to de-clutter your residence of non-essential goods. Use one of our various container types, allowing for a priceless appeal to prospective buyers seeking spacious homes and general attractivity.

Benefit Overview of Construction Site Storage Containers

Safe and Comfortable Work Environment. Containers allow for more space to complete your tasks efficiently and safely utilizing a ground-level portable storage container. Minimize the costly risks and misfortune of injury, time delays and damage to personal property. Store tools, equipment and materials in our heavy-gauge steel storage containers, available in dimensions from 10′ to 40′. Our modified container has cargo doors on both ends. 24’ containers are perfect for plumbing contractors, who need to store pipes too long to fit in a standard 20’ container.

Commercial Construction & Residential Remodeling Storage Solutions

Secure Job Site Equipment. Construction site theft of equipment is frequent and a primary cause of project timeline completion. Portable onsite storage assures that your tools and supplies are accessible always and our units secure items, equipment and tools used on a job site in a locked and sealed container, mitigating theft and protecting items from weather and other elements.

Protect from Dirt, Drills and Demolition.  Containers protect belongings from the occupational hazards of contracting. Clients may keep on-site portable storage containers for easy access or store the containers in one of our dry and secure warehouses.

Make the Job Site Livable.  A project may take 12 days or 12 months due to unpredictable factors. In the interim, home or business owners must continue their daily lives. Construction portable storage containers deliver the highest level of safety and protection for your valuable materials and equipment on the job site. Great Lakes Kwik Space job site portable storage containers can have features like ground-level access, solid metal construction and door-mounted lock boxes. And with its many superior security and safety features, every Great Lakes Kwik Space construction portable storage container is a reliable, immediate and inexpensive tool for short- and long-term job site storage.

Storage Maintenance. The ISO-certified portable construction containers undergo a renewal process that includes lockbox installation, oil and rust removal and finally a thorough exterior painting

Learn More About Portable Storage Containers For Your Construction Site:

Speak personally to a representative by calling 1-800-966-1016 for a fast quote to rent a portable storage container  or visit our buyer’s guide to portable storage containers, where the answers to price ranges and optional features are outlined—save time and money!

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